Our Services
Our specialists accompany our clients during the filling process, ensuring that they obtain the best results, with the highest efficiency.
Bottle design
When thinking of designing a bottle, many factors needs to be taken into consideration, such as its content, top load, shelf life, functionality and appearance. Here is where we contribute all our expertise to design, not only a very attractive bottle but a functional and reliable packaging.
Label design
Everyone knows that a very attractive label can be the difference between a very successful product and just a another product on the shelf. This service consists in designing a label that will optimize your product’s appearance and focused on your target market. This service is well known to increase your product sales.
Rapid prototyping
We offer our costumers this important tool which saves priceless time and money. We have the capacity to design a prototype in a day. Either the costumer provide the design or we design the product ourselves. This service has been very useful for packaging development projects. Many companies, from small businesses to large corporations have found this service a great innovative and useful tool.
The most used service by our costumers is labeling. We offer the labeling process, so instead of having to label it after the product is received, our clients receives their products already labeled.
Some of our costumers have “In Box” filling lines where their product is filled in the box, This service offers our clients to receive their product in their box, this way our client takes it’s product straight to the filling lines.
Custom services
This service consists in offering any other service that our client desires. We will go as far as our customers allow us in the service area.